Stainless steel sculpture
Kevin Robb featured at DIA
Kevin Robb, a Colorado metal sculptor,is featured in the Art Gallery at Denver International Airport. Large photographic wall murals share the monumental, stainless steel sculptures that have highlighted his career over the years. Along with the wall murals are a number of smaller stainless steel sculptures that capture the essence of his designs.

Also highlighted in this exhibit is a wall filled with Kevin Robb’s Calypso Collection – bright, eye catching, multicolored table top sized and wall sculptures. This collection shares the fun side of Kevin’s work, a series of single panels of curved stainless steel and aluminum that display attention grabbing assemblage; the colors are bright and bold, yet yield to Kevin’s famous signature patterns which appear from under the rich, translucent surfaces.

In addition to his artworks, the exhibit also includes Robb’s personal story about a life-altering stroke in 2004. A sculptor that lost his ability to speak, write, and the use of his prominent right hand – disabled, but not down and out! Sculpting is, and always will be, his life line. The incredible story continues with his remarkable artistic journey since then. With hired men to be his hands he continues to create with a shake of his cane, a nod, a smile, a line drawn on the steel, and the ultimate game of charades. The artworks highlighted in this show are all works created since his stroke.

The show is in the Jeppesen Terminal (main terminal), Level 5 west side, near the north security screening.

sculpture show, contemporary sculpture
Kevin Robb featured at DIA
Stainless steel sculpture
Kevin Robb featured at DIA