The beauty of a sculpture, particularly a contemporary sculpture, is that it can look so different in any number of situations.  The metal is the same, the sizes of the elements are the same, yet different views at different times provide a fresh beauty.  Capturing the Moon, an 8 foot bronze sculpture, has provided a prime example of this during the past month.  A

"Capturing the Moon" in the snow
"Capturing the Moon"

professional photographer can catch the angles, shadows, and the physical essence of the sculpture without being inhibited by its environment.  A picture taken during a snow storm provides a whole different feel of the same sculpture.  A photo taken by Rick McFarland of the Little Rock Democrat Gazette takes this same sculpture to a whole new level, offering up to the Gods its arms and soul.  Sculpture, whether in a public art arena or in a private garden can provide so much enjoyment as its beauty is expounded by the ever changing environment.