Posts Categorized: Contemporary Metal Sculptor

A Sculptor’s Favorite Piece

Kevin Robb creating sculpture

Many people are curious as to my most favorite sculpture created in the last 30+ years of sculpting and the answer is easy – it’s the next one I’m about to build!  It is the creating that is the thrill!  Once a sculpture is completed the beauty of it lives on by itself and I… Read more »

Process of Creativity

Stainless Steel sculpture as public art

It has always been pure joy to experience a sculpture “coming alive” and this process can take on many forms.  A new sculpture being created in the studio is a free flowing process, cutting the metal and welding the different curves.  Then, stepping back and letting the metal speak to what needs to happen next… Read more »

Quality Always Wins In Contemporary Sculpture

Quality of sculpture - Kevin Robb

Elle Décor magazine (Nov 2012) conducted “The Luxury Survey”, a survey of more than 400 members of Elle Décor’s Designer Registry.  “Quality beats everything else in determining what constitutes true luxury, with 68% of designers citing it as the single most important factor.  No other aspect reached even double digits in the survey.” When collecting… Read more »

10 Reasons For Sculpture In A Business Park

Sculpture in Business Park-When Dancers Meet

10.  Makes the business park welcoming to the tenants and clients. 9.  Separates your business park from the pack. 8.  Support of the arts is always a positive. 7.  A signature work of art can help brand the business park. 6.  Creates the feeling that something of importance happens here. 5.  It’s just the right… Read more »

Contemporary Garden Sculpture Surprises

Sculpture in the gardens-Playing Ball

One of the many benefits of having sculptures in a garden are the surprises that present themselves.  A stainless steel garden sculpture is a treat in itself, but then hidden treasures come unannounced.  “Playing Ball” is a 16 foot sculpture that sits gently in front of a raised bed of bushes and flowers.  Viewing the… Read more »

Many Faces of a Contemporary Sculpture

The beauty of a sculpture, particularly a contemporary sculpture, is that it can look so different in any number of situations.  The metal is the same, the sizes of the elements are the same, yet different views at different times provide a fresh beauty.  Capturing the Moon, an 8 foot bronze sculpture, has provided a prime… Read more »